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Эміграцыя ў Амерыку

Тема в разделе "Ольковичи, Крайск, Юнцевичи, Стайки и окрестности", создана пользователем Ingwar841, 8 июл 2024.

  1. Ingwar841

    Ingwar841 Мегапользователь
    Активный пользователь

    9 июн 2015
    Насамрэч Зброжкі Валодалі маёнткам Сушкавам з 1681 па 1832/33 гады. З улікам верагодна іх украінскіх каранёў, таксама прыйшоў да гэтай высновы, што з'яўленне Пташнікаў справа іх рук
    sergpetr нравится это.
  2. sergpetr

    sergpetr Мегапользователь

    27 ноя 2017
    География поисков:
    Куда в Мядель переводили и зачем.
  3. sergpetr

    sergpetr Мегапользователь

    27 ноя 2017
    География поисков:
    Тест ДНК меня привел тоже в эти регионы и Миргородский уезд, но я подумал что это Яновские привезли своих крестьян и они являються дальними родственниками Гоголя Яновского
  4. Ingwar841

    Ingwar841 Мегапользователь
    Активный пользователь

    9 июн 2015
    У манашак адабралі іх кляштар у Мінску ў 1830-я гады, і далі ім замест гэтага будынак былога (скасаваннага) кляштара кармелітаў у Мядзелі. Хутка пасля гэтага манашкі перавялі туды гурпу сялян, усяго 8 мужчын (магчыма і нейкіх жанчын):
    1) Антон Васільевіч Руды (Руткоўскі) з в. Стрый (1792 г.н.)
    2) Іван Міхайлавіч Петрашка з в. Дзераўно (1799 г.н.)
    3) Сямён Іосіфавіч Алькевіч з в. Стрый (1806 г.н.)
    4) Мікалай пазашлюбны Бахар з в. Грыневіч (1810 г.н.)
    5) Павел Грыгор'евіч Руды (Руткоўскі) з в. Дзераўно (1818 г.н.), бацька Вольгі
    6) Сямён Іванавіч Крэнь з в. Дзераўно (1822 г.н.)
    7) Лук'ян Анікеевіч Бахар з в. Грыневічы (1825 г.н.)
    8) Мікіта Лук'янавіч Вяжэвіч з в. Дзераўно (1825 г.н.)

    Большасць з іх вярнулася паміж РК 1850 і 1858, некаторыя засталіся (як Алькевіч). некаторыя памерлі без нашчадкаў (як Антон Руды). Пасля туды у 1850-х яшчэ пераводзілі аднаго ці двух дакладна не памятаю (здаецца Бахар)
    greypit и sergpetr нравится это.
  5. Ingwar841

    Ingwar841 Мегапользователь
    Активный пользователь

    9 июн 2015
    Яноўскіх я не разглядваў, бо насамрэч яны амаль ніякага дачынення да гэтага маёнтка ня мелі, яны больш па Хадаках. Там ім належала адзін-два двары ў Задроздзе (першаму Яноўскаму -- Яну), але ен збагрыў іх па тастаменту сваёй хрэсніцы здаецца ў 1636 ці 1638 годзе. І тое ен той часткай Задроздзя валодаў верагодна праз жонку Воўчак (ці набыў загрошы)
  6. Ingwar841

    Ingwar841 Мегапользователь
    Активный пользователь

    9 июн 2015
    А так афіцыйна м-кам Сушкавам валодалі перад Зброжкамі Валерыня і Ганна Кірыкі. А тыя "атрымалі" маёнтак ад Воўчкаў. Можа і Кірыкі завезлі Пташнікаў, іх паходжанне ня ведаю, што гэтыя за "магнаты" такія. Можа таксама з Украінай звязаны
  7. sergpetr

    sergpetr Мегапользователь

    27 ноя 2017
    География поисков:
    Место где жили переселенцы называлось Мядель, а проживали в каком месте они.
    Я исходил из того что гены крестьян их Ходаков и Сушкова-Задродзья за 300 лет пересеклись не раз.
  8. Ingwar841

    Ingwar841 Мегапользователь
    Активный пользователь

    9 июн 2015
    Не зразумеў пытанне? Там дзе кляштар быў, ім жа весак не давалі, толькі сам кляштар, https://be-tarask.wikipedia.org/wiki/Касьцёл_Маці_Божай_Шкаплернай_і_кляштар_кармэлітаў_(Мядзел)
  9. sergpetr

    sergpetr Мегапользователь

    27 ноя 2017
    География поисков:
    Какие еще деревни принадлежали базыльянкам кроме Гриневич,Деревни и Стрыя.
  10. Ingwar841

    Ingwar841 Мегапользователь
    Активный пользователь

    9 июн 2015
    У Мядзеле нічога, пра астатняе глядзіце тут, у першым пасце я распісаў што мне вядома
  11. Ingwar841

    Ingwar841 Мегапользователь
    Активный пользователь

    9 июн 2015
  12. Tatiana Shinkevich

    Tatiana Shinkevich Мегапользователь

    17 июн 2024
    Шинкевич, Бахар, Вяжевич, Савчик, Кузмич, Максимович, Матусевич, Макар, Ковзанович, Цыбульские
    Вся информация взята из сайте www.findagrave.com т.к. этот сайт пока кому-то может быть не доступен, все ссылки не будут работать. Я выбрала только первое поколение. Если пойти по ссылке, то увидите и ссылки на биографии детей.​
    Умершие иммигранты (первое поколение) г. Клэрмонт, Нью Хампшир.
    Кладбище Mountain View.​

    Ignacy Adamovich
    Birth: 18 Feb 1882 Russia
    Death: 2 Feb 1966 (aged 83) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section L, Lot 51
    Memorial #: 107912083
    Bio: Ignacy Adamovich died at Claremont General Hospital on February 2, 1966 in Claremont, NH. He was born in Russia on February 18, 1882 the son of Onffrey and Uzefa (Tomkowich) Adamovich.
    He had been a resident of Claremont since 1908. He was a member of the Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Church of which he was one of the founders. He was also a member of the Russian Brotherhood.
    He married Efrasenia Duras on October 17, 1913 in Claremont who preceded him in death.
    He leaves five sons Kostik Adamovich, Michael Adamovich, Alexander Adamovich, Peter Adamovich all of Claremont and John Adamovich of Marlborough MA; five daughters Olga Walsh of Windsor, VT, Leda Ross of Santa Ana, CA, Ann McPheeters of San Diego, CA, Jennie Walsh of Windsor, VT, and Nellie Naugsrud of Claremont; and nineteen grandchildren. Burial will be in Mountain View Cemetery.
    Source; New Hampshire Manchester Union Leader, Manchester, NH, February 3, 1966Family Members
    Spouse Efrasenia "Frasa" Duras Adamovich 1890-1958
    Efrasenia Adamovich died on November 1, 1958 in Claremont, NH. She was born on January 1, 1890 in Russia; the daughter of Speador and Elene (Plashnik) Duras.
    She arrived in the U S in 1912.
    She married Ignacy Adamovich on October 17, 1913 in Claremont.
    She is survived by her children Kostik, Michael, Alexander, Olga, Leda, Ann, John, Jennie, Nellie, and Peter.
    Children Kostik Adamovich 1915-1977
    Michael Adamovich 1915-2001
    PFC Alexander Adamovich 1918-1974
    Olga A Adamovich Walsh 1919-1994
    Leda Adamovich Ross 1921-2006
    Ann Adamovich McPheeters 1922-2009
    John Adamovich 1924-1984
    Jennie Adamovich Walsh 1925-2022
    Nellie A Adamovich Haugsrud 1928-1995
    Peter Adamovich 1930-2013
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/107912083/ignacy_adamovich

    Wasil Bacher
    Birth: 10 May 1876 Poland
    Death: 1919 (aged 42–43) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Saint Marys Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Bio: Wasil Bacher died 1919 in Claremont, NH. He was born on May 10, 1976 in Vilno, Poland. He was also known as Vasel Bacher.
    He arrived in Philadelphia on April 22, 1907.
    He married Elizabeth Belski in Poland.
    He was preceded in death by daughter Ganifer in 1917 and son Williams in 1918 and Edward in 1913.
    He is survived by his wife and daughters Victoria, Mary and Helen and sons Edward and Benjamin.
    Burial is in St Mary's Cemetery in Claremont.
    Family Members
    Elizabeth Belski Bacher 1879-1957
    Elizabeth Bacher died in Hanover, NH on September 20, 1957. She was born in Vilno, Poland in December of 1879; the daughter of Ludwig and Anna (Krupski) Belski. (Death record gives year of birth as 1878.)
    She arrived in Philadelphia on April 22, 1907.
    She married Wasil (Vasel) Bacher in Poland who preceded her in death.
    Mary Veronica Bacher Baker 1908-1985
    Helen B Bacher Lovejoy 1909-1988
    Edward Bacher 1912-1913
    TSGT Edward Bacher 1912-1982
    Benjamin B Bacher 1915-1986
    Ganifer Bacher 1916-1917
    William Bacher 1918-1918
    Victoria Josephine Bacher 1918-2009
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/113452821/wasil_bacher

    Peter Baker
    Birth: 18 Feb 1893 Russia
    Death: 17 Jul 1940 (aged 47) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Bio: Peter Baker died at Claremont General Hospital in Claremont, NH on July 17, 1940. He was born on February 18, 1893 in Russia; the son of Philip Baker.
    He married Mary Bacher on December 30, 1923 in Windsor, VT.
    He is survived by his wife and children Michael, John, George, and Helen.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Source; NH death record, VT marriage record, census records
    Family Members
    Mary Veronica Bacher Baker 1908-1985
    Mary Veronica Baker died in Claremont, NH on June 20, 1985. She was born on September 2, 1908 in Claremont; the daughter of Wasil and Elizabeth (Belski) Bacher. (NOTE: Death date is based on burial date of June 22, 1985.)
    She married Peter Baker on December 30, 1923 in Windsor, VT but he preceded her in death.
    She is survived by children Michael, John, George, and Helen.
    Michael Mitch Baker 1931-1988
    John Baker 1934-2011
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:17:29.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50286406/peter_baker

    Konstantine Peter Petuck
    Birth: 13 May 1888 Russia
    Death: 22 Jul 1968 (aged 80) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section B, Lot 22
    Memorial #: 50289681
    Bio: Konstantine Peter Petuck died at Claremont General Hospital in Claremont, NH on July 22, 1968 after a brief illness. He was born on May 13, 1888 in Russia.
    He had lived in Claremont for fifty six years. He was a member of the Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Church and the Brotherhood of the church. He was a retired employee of Joy Mfg Co.
    He married Paraska Vrazevich but she preceded him in death. He was also preceded in death by son Paul.
    The family includes two sons Dr Walter J Petuck of Claremont and Nathan N Petuck of Dellafield, WI two daughters Sonya Kroll of Alexandria, VA and Mary Baker of Claremont; and five grandchildren.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Source; New Hampshire Manchester Union Leader, Manchester, NH, July 23, 1968
    Family Members
    Paraska Vrazevich Petuck 1890-1966
    Paraska Petuck died in Claremont, NH on May 20, 1966. She was born on May 9, 1890 in Russia; the daughter of Mr & Mrs Vrazevich.
    She married Konstantine Petuck.
    She was preceded in death by son Paul.
    She is survived by her husband and children Walter, Nathan, Sonya and Mary.
    Paul Petuck 1917-1920
    Mary Petuck Baker 1919-1983
    Sonya Sophie Petuck Kroll 1920-1983
    Nathan Nicholas Petuck 1922-Unknown
    PFC Walter John Petuck 1924-1982
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:32.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50289681/konstantine_peter_petuck

    Ignace Baker
    Birth: 14 Mar 1885 Russia
    Death: 7 Dec 1943 (aged 58) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section C, Lot 33
    Memorial #: 135078678
    Bio: Ignace Baker died in Claremont, NH on December 7, 1943. He was born on March 14, 1885 in Russia; the son of Phillip and Helen Baker.
    He married Jennie Canashevich in Russia and she preceded him in death.
    He is survived by children Walter, Nicholas, Mitchell, and Laura.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Source: NH death record, census records
    Family Members
    Jennie Canashevich Baker 1885-1935
    Jennie Baker died in Claremont, NH on February 24, 1935. She was born in Russia on February 24, 1885; the daughter of Michael and Sophia Canashevich.
    She married Ignace Baker in Russia.
    She is survived by her husband and children Walter, Nicholas, Mitchell, and Laura.
    Walter Baker 1916-1982
    Nicholas Baker 1919-2004
    Mitchell Baker 1925-2011
    Laura Baker Provost 1927-2008
    Created by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Added: 2014-08-29T17:14:47.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/135078678/ignace_baker
    #152 Tatiana Shinkevich, 6 авг 2024
    Последнее редактирование: 6 авг 2024
  13. Tatiana Shinkevich

    Tatiana Shinkevich Мегапользователь

    17 июн 2024
    Шинкевич, Бахар, Вяжевич, Савчик, Кузмич, Максимович, Матусевич, Макар, Ковзанович, Цыбульские
    Mary Kissly Baker
    Birth: 16 May 1889 Russia
    Death: 13 Oct 1946 (aged 57) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section C, Lot 25
    Memorial #: 50286407
    Bio: Mary Baker died at Claremont General Hospital in Claremont, NH on October 13, 1946. She was born on May 16, 1889 in Russia; the daughter of Vincent and Magdaline (Jundo) Kissly.
    She married Michael Baker on May 23, 1909 in Springfield, VT.
    She was preceded in death by son Henry on August 25, 1940.
    She is survived by her husband.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Source; NH death record, VT marriage record, census records
    Family Members
    Michael Baker 1880-1959
    Michael Baker passed away in Meriden, CT on August 22, 1959. He was born in Russia on September 17, 1880; the son for Dmitri and Uliana Baker.
    He married Mary Kissly on May 23, 1909 in Springfield, VT but she preceded him in death. He was also preceded in death by son Henry on August 25, 1940.
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:17:29.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50286407/mary-baker

    Leon Baronovsky
    Birth: 25 Sep 1891 Russia
    Death: 25 Sep 1922 (aged 31) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section C
    Memorial #: 214981821
    Bio: Leon Baronovsky died at his home in Claremont, NH on September 25, 1922. He was born in Russia on September 25, 1891. (Death record states he was 34 y/o.)
    He never married and had lived in Claremont for ten years.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Source; NH death record
    Created by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Added: 2020-08-29T16:12:47.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/214981821/leon-baronovsky

    William A Cherepovich
    Birth: 27 Mar 1885 Russia
    Death: 11 Feb 1954 (aged 68) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section B, Lot 44&45
    Memorial #: 50287038
    Bio: William A Cherepovich died in Claremont, NH on February 11, 1954. He was born on March 27, 1885 in Russia; the son of Alexander and Mary Cherepovich.
    He married Annie.
    He is survived by his wife and daughter Najah.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Source: NH death record, census records, index to alien case files
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:17:54.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50287038/william-a-cherepovich

    Joseph Stefan Greshkevich
    Birth: 7 Feb 1893 Russia
    Death: 29 Oct 1966 (aged 73) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section B, Lot 48
    Memorial #: 50287978
    Bio: Joseph Stefan Greshkevich was found deceased at his home (determined to be of natural causes) in Claremont, NH on October 29, 1966. He was born on February 7, 1893 in Russia; the son of Stefan and Eva (Rowda) Greshkevich. (Death record gives year of birth as 1892.)
    He had been a resident of Claremont for fifty six years. He was a member of the Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Church. He was a retired employee of Joy Mfg Co.
    He married Paulina (Waiteshonak) Harida on May 27, 1944 in Hartland, VT who preceded him in death.
    Survivors include two stepsons John Herida of East Hartford, CT and Anthony Herida of Meriden, CT; and one cousin Roman Gray of Jamaica, NY.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Source; New Hampshire Sunday News, Manchester, NH, October 30, 1966
    Family Members
    Pauline Wojeshonek Greshkevich 1892-1957
    Pauline Greshkevich died at Claremont General Hospital in Claremont, NH on December 13, 1957. She was born on November 1, 1892 in Russia; the daughter of William and Anna (Hleb) Wojeshonek.
    She had lived in Claremont for the past forty six years. She was a member of the Russian Orthodox
    Church and its Ladies Society.
    She married Lawrence Herida on June 20, 1913 in Springfield, VT but they later divorced on February 9, 1937.
    She married Joseph Stefan Greshkevich on May 27, 1944 in Hartland, VT
    She was preceded in death by son Michael Herida.
    Members of the family include her husband; two sons John Herida of East Hartford, CT and Anthony Herida of Meriden, CT; and one brother Joseph White of Windsor, VT.
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:18:45.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50287978/joseph-stefan-greshkevich

    Feodosia “Sadie” Pashnik Hmeeza
    Birth: 4 Dec 1887 Russia
    Death: 14 Nov 1972 (aged 84) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section B-NH, Lot 37
    Memorial #: 50288250
    Bio: Feodosia "Sadie" Hmeeza died at Claremont General Hospital in Claremont, NH on November 14, 1972 after a long illness. She was born on December 4, 1887 in Russia; the daughter of Mr and Mrs Pashnik. (Obit is under Sadie Hmeeza)
    She emigrated to the U S in 1912. She had lived in Claremont for most of her life. She was formerly employed at the Dartmouth Woolen Mill, retiring thirty years ago. She was a member of the Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Church and the Sisterhood of the church.
    She married Peter Hmeeza who preceded her in death in 1953.
    The family includes two daughters Olga Nash and Elizabeth "Betty" Quimby both of Claremont; two grandsons George McCusker III, a student at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy in Boston, MA and Douglas Young, a student at New Hampshire Vocational and Technical College in Berlin, NH; two granddaughters Barbara Ferland of Claremont and Catherine J McCusker, a student at the University of New Hampshire; great grandson Stephen Ferland of Claremont; and one brother Peter Pashnik of Pawtucket, RI.
    Burial is in Mtn View cemetery.
    Source; Manchester Union Leader, Manchester, NH, November 16, 1972
    Family Members
    Peter Hmeeza 1885-1953
    Peter Hmeeza died at his home in Claremont, NH on August 24, 1953. He was born on July 25, 1885 in Minsk, Russia. There is a discrepancy between the gravestone and the death record regarding the date of birth.
    He emigrated to the U S in 1912.
    He married Theodosia “Sadie” Pashnik.
    He is survived by his wife and daughters Olga and Elizabeth.
    Olga Hmeeza Nash 1915-1998
    Elizabeth Hmeeza Quimby 1921-2022
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:18:53.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50288250/feodosia-hmeeza
  14. Tatiana Shinkevich

    Tatiana Shinkevich Мегапользователь

    17 июн 2024
    Шинкевич, Бахар, Вяжевич, Савчик, Кузмич, Максимович, Матусевич, Макар, Ковзанович, Цыбульские

    Stephen Paskevich
    Birth: 26 Dec 1893 Russia
    Death: Feb 1974 (aged 80) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section B, Lot 17A
    Memorial #: 50289590
    Bio: Stephen Paskevich died in Claremont, NH in February of 1974. He was born on December 26, 1893 in Russia; the son of Konstanty and Agafia (Peshrencovich) Paskevich.
    He married Olga Bandarevich on September 27, 1914 in Springfield, VT.
    He is survived by his wife and children Walter and Vera.
    Burial is in Mtn View cemetery.
    Source; SSDI, VT marriage record, census records
    There is no gravestone.
    Family Members
    Olga Bandarevich Paskevich 1896-1986
    Olga Paskevich died at the Sullivan County Nursing Homes in Unity, NH on March 15, 1986 after a long illness. She was born on March 30, 1896 in Minsk, Russia; daughter of Faja and Magdalena (Arkshenovich) Bandarevich.
    She received her education in Russia and came to Claremont, NH in 1912, residing there until 1981 when she became a resident of the nursing home. She was an active member of the Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church serving as past president and treasurer of the church sisterhood. She was the last surviving female member of the originators of the church. She was a naturalized American citizen.
    She married Stephen Paskevich on September 27, 1914 in Springfield, VT who preceded her in death.
    She leaves a son Walter S Paskevich of Claremont and a daughter Vera Hunka of Claremont and two grandchildren.
    Walter Stephen Paskevich 1916-1996
    Vera M Paskevich Hunka 1919-2010
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:31.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50289590/stephen_paskevich

    Konstantin Kamel
    Birth: 21 Feb 1894 Russia
    Death: 10 Mar 1978 (aged 84) Unity, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section C, Lot 44
    Memorial #: 50288594
    Bio: Konstantin Kamel died at the Sullivan County Nursing Home in Unity, NH on March 10, 1978 after a short illness. He was born on February, 21, 1894 in Vilna Russia; the son of Nicholi and Anna (Manchek) Kamel.
    He had resided in Claremont for sixty four years. He was a retired employee of Joy Mfg Co where he worked as a molder in the foundry for forty years, retiring in 1959. He was a member of the Family of God Church.
    He married Stella Vangerski on August 1, 1915 in Claremont who preceded him in death.
    He married Tina (Pesarik) Bychok about 1967.
    Surviving is his wife of Claremont; two sons Nathan Kamel of Claremont and John Kamel of Los Angeles, CA; three daughters Lida Zaleskie of Springfield, Olga Jarrow of East Hartford, CT and Nellie Belkovicz of Freemont; five grandchildren; four great grandchildren; three stepsons Victor Bychok of Los Angeles, CA, John Bychok of Hampton and Paul Bychok of Houma, LA; one stepdaughter Barbara Nichol of Sunapee; six step grandchildren; and one step great grandchild.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Family Members
    Stephenida "Stella" Vangarski Kamel 1894-1935
    Stephenida "Stella" Kamel died in Claremont, NH on November 13, 1935. She was born on June 15, 1894 in Russia; the daughter of Wenadikt and Nastasia Vangerski.
    She married Konstantin Kamel on August 1, 1915 in Claremont.
    Surviving is her husband and children Nathan, John, Lida, Olga and Nellie.
    Tatiana "Tina" Pesarik Kamel 1897-1984
    atiana "Tina" Kamel died at Valley Regional Hospital in Claremont, NH on June 13, 1984 after a long illness. She was born on May 28, 1897 in Onuprovich, Minsk, Russia; the daughter of George and Paula (Sanka) Pesarik.
    She lived in Claremont most of her life. She was a member and one of the founders of the Assembly of God Church.
    She married Michael Bychok on July 17, 1915 in Claremont who preceded her in death. She was also preceded in death by daughter Eva and son John Bychok.
    She married Constantin Kamel about 1967 who preceded her in death.
    She leaves daughter Barbara Nichol of Sunapee, NH [died 2003 in NH]; Paul Bychok of Houma, LA and Victor of Dallas, TX; six grandchildren and six great grandchildren.
    Lida Kamel Zaleskie 1916-1987
    Nathan Anthony "Nick" Kamel 1918-1991
    Nellie Kamel Belkovicz 1919-2002
    Olga Kamel Jarrow 1922-2014
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:05.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50288594/konstantin-kamel

    Samuel Kazura
    Birth: 1 Sep 1893 Russia
    Death: 28 Jun 1974 (aged 80) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section C, lot 48
    Memorial #: 50288605
    Bio: Samuel Kazura died in Claremont, NH on June 28, 1974. He was born on September 1, 1893 in Russia.
    He married Helen Wiereiko about 1919 who preceded him in death. He was also preceded in death by son Nicholas who was killed in World War II.
    He is survived by daughter Claudia.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Source; gravestone, census records
    Family Members
    Helen Wiereiko Kazura 1897-1932
    Helen Kazura died at her home in Claremont, NH on September 25, 1932. She was born on September 25, 1897 in Russia; the daughter of Walter and Natalie (Varska) Wiereiko.
    She married Samuel Kazura about 1919.
    She is survived by her husband and children Claudia and Nicholas.
    PFC Nicholas Kazura 1918-1944
    Claudia "Clara" Kazura Sinawski 1920-2015
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:05.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50288605/samuel_kazura

    Konstanty Kebalka
    Birth: 19 Jul 1889 Russia
    Death: 4 Jan 1958 (aged 68) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section L, Lot 36
    Memorial #: 50288664
    Bio: Konstanty Kebalka died in Claremont, NH on January 4, 1958. He was born in Vilna, Russia on July 19, 1889; the son of Erich and Jennie (Kennie) Kebalka. ( Death record gives year of birth as 1890.)
    He married Anna Koms in Springfield, VT on July 27, 1913.
    He was preceded in death by son Walter.
    He is survived by his wife and children Adam, Konstanty Jr, Hellen and Anastacia.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Source; NH death record, VT marriage record, census records
    There is no gravestone.
    Family Members
    Annie Koms Kebalka 1890-1973
    Anna "Annie" Kebalka died in Claremont, NH in July of 1973. She was born in Russia on September 10, 1890; the daughter of Raoul and Caroline (Kornste) Koms.
    She married Konstanty Kebalka in Springfield, VT on July 27, 1913 who preceded her in death. She was also preceded in death by son Walter.
    She is survived by children Adam, Konstanty Jr, Hellen and Anastacia.
    SGT Adam Kebalka 1918-1998
    Helen K Kebalka Wikeen 1920-1999
    Konstanty Kebalka 1922-1999
    Anastasia Kebalka Ballou 1925-2014
    Walter Kebalka 1929-1929
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:06.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50288664/konstanty_kebalka
  15. Tatiana Shinkevich

    Tatiana Shinkevich Мегапользователь

    17 июн 2024
    Шинкевич, Бахар, Вяжевич, Савчик, Кузмич, Максимович, Матусевич, Макар, Ковзанович, Цыбульские
    Peter Koledo

    Birth: 29 Jun 1883 Russia
    Death: 31 Jul 1925 (aged 42) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section C
    Memorial #: 214982074
    Bio: Peter Koledo died at his home in Claremont, NH on July 31, 1925 when he was thrown from an automobile and struck his head on a rock. He was born on June 29, 1883 in Russia; the son of Gregory and Anastasia Koledo.
    He married Vera Bechock on April 25, 1915 in Claremont who was pregnant with his son at the time of his death.
    He had been a resident of Claremont for eleven years.
    Surviving is his wife and son John.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Source; NH death record, NH marriage record, census records
    Family Members
    Vera Bechok Dubovik 1893-1953
    Vera Dubovik died in Hanover, NH on August 10, 1953. She was born on September 18, 1893 in Minsk, Russia; the daughter of Zaharoff and Adelaide (Nemcovich) Bechok.
    She married Peter Koledo on April 25, 1915 in Claremont who preceded her in death.
    She married Afanasy Eakim Dubovik on September 21, 1928 in Claremont.
    Surviving is her husband and children Zena [died 2015 in NJ] and John Koledo.
    John Koledo 1926-1976
    Created by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Added: 2020-08-29T16:22:59.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/214982074/peter-koledo

    Peter “Paul” Kowzan
    Birth: 29 Jun 1884 Russia
    Death: 29 Nov 1944 (aged 60) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section C, Lot 18
    Memorial #: 50288745
    Bio: Peter Kowzan died in Claremont, NH on November 29, 1944. He was born in Russia on June 29, 1884; the son of Alexander and Mary (Baker) Kowzan.
    He married Helen Zdan on September 26, 1915 in Claremont who preceded him in death.
    He married Rose Krasowski on January 22, 1928 in Claremont.
    He is survived by his wife and children Alexander, John, and Elizabeth.
    Burial is in Mtn View cemetery.
    Source; NH death record
    Family Members
    Helena Zdan Kowzan 1883-1925
    Helena Kowzan died in Claremont, NH on August 12, 1925. She was born on May 12, 1883 in Russia; the daughter of Jachary and Zena Zdan.
    She married Peter Kowzan on September 26, 1915 in Claremont.
    She is survived by her husband and children Alexander, John, and Elizabeth.
    Rose K Krasowski Kowzan 1888-1961
    Rose K Kowzan died at her home in Claremont, NH on August 9, 1961. She was born on October 1, 1888 in Poland; the daughter of Antony and Eva Krasowski.
    She resided in Claremont for the past fifty years.
    She married Peter Kowzan on January 22, 1928 in Claremont who preceded her in death.
    Members of the family include a stepdaughter Mrs Bernard Chase of Claremont; stepson Alexander Kowzan of Citrus Heights, CA; and three grandchildren.
    Alexander Paul Kowzan 1916-1974
    John Kowzan 1918-1959
    Elizabeth Kowzan Chase 1921-1990
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:08.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50288745/peter-kowzan

    Alexander M Kravchenko
    Birth: 22 Mar 1882 Russia
    Death: 9 Jan 1962 (aged 79) Meriden, New Haven County, Connecticut, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section B, Lot 32
    Memorial #: 50288752
    Bio: Alexander M Kravchenko died at Memorial Hospital in Meriden, CT on January 9, 1962. He was born in Russia on March 22, 1882.
    He had lived in Meriden for three years. He had previously lived in Claremont for many years. He was a member of the Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church and of its brotherhood in Claremont.
    He married Florence Zook in Russia about 1906.
    Member of his family include his wife; son Peter A Kravchenko; granddaughter Trina Kravchenko all of Meriden, CT; and a sister in Russia.
    Burial is in Mtn View cemetery.
    Source; Valley News, Lebanon, NH, January 11, 1962
    Family Members
    Florence M Zook Kravchenko 1888-1983
    Florence M Kravchenko died in Meriden, CT on January 4, 1983. She was born in Russia on May 5, 1888; the daughter of Mr & Mrs Zook.
    She married Alexander Kravchenko in Russia about 1906 who preceded her in death. She was also preceded in death by brother Aseep.
    Member of her family include son Peter A Kravchenko; granddaughter Trina Kravchenko both of Meriden, CT.
    PVT Peter Kravchenko 1909-1992
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:08.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50288752/alexander-m-kravchenko

    Anthony Kren
    Birth: 27 Feb 1888 Russia
    Death: 19 Dec 1950 (aged 62) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section L, Lot 57A
    Memorial #: 50288753
    Bio: Anthony Kren died in Claremont, NH on December 19, 1950. He was born in Vilna, Russia on February 27, 1888; the son of Sebastian Kren. (Names on gravestone: Ahtoh Gebactiahob)(His death record gives year of birth as 1891.)
    He married Stephania Vincatsky
    He is survived by his wife and daughter Stephania.
    Burial is in Mtn View cemetery.
    Source; NH death record, gravestone, census records
    Family Members
    Stephania Vincatsky Kren 1890-1959
    Stephania Kren died in Claremont, NH on May 19, 1959. She was born in Russia on June 10, 1890; the daughter of Paul Vincatsky. (Name on gravestone Stephania Ctepahnra)
    She married Anthony Kren in Russia who preceded her in death.
    She is survived by daughter Stephania.
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:08.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50288753/anthony-kren

    John George Kuzmich
    Birth: 1 Oct 1876 Russia
    Death: 14 Nov 1965 (aged 89) Unity, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section B-NH, Lot 37
    Memorial #: 50288767
    Bio: John George Kuzmich died on November 14, 1965 at the Sullivan County Nursing Home in Unity, NH. He was born on October 1, 1876 in Russia.
    He had lived in Claremont since 1904. He was one of the founders of the Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Church and a charter member of the Russian Brotherhood. He was a retired employee of the Sullivan Machine Co.
    He married Anna Zluchick in Russia who preceded him in death along with daughter Sadie.
    Members of his family include son Nason J Kuzmich of Claremont; three daughters Helen Kuzmich of East Hartford, CT, Nellie Gaydo and Virgie Spasink both of Claremont; two grandchildren; and three great grandchildren.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Source; New Hampshire Manchester Union Leader, Manchester, NH, November 15, 1965
    Family Members
    Anna Zlukchik Kuzmich 1877-1960
    Anna Kuzmich died in Claremont, NH on June 25, 1960. She was born on December 11, 1877 in Kraiska, Russia; the daughter of Mr and Mrs Zlukchik.
    She married John Kuzmich in Russia.
    She was preceded in death by daughter Sadie.
    Surviving is her husband and children Helen, Nathan, Nellie, and Virgie.
    Nathan John Kuzmich 1901-1979
    Sadie Kuzmich 1902-1918
    Helen Kuzmich 1909-1997
    Virgie Kuzmich Spasink 1912-2008
    Nellie Kuzmich Gaydo 1914-1990
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:09.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50288767/john_george_kuzmich
  16. Tatiana Shinkevich

    Tatiana Shinkevich Мегапользователь

    17 июн 2024
    Шинкевич, Бахар, Вяжевич, Савчик, Кузмич, Максимович, Матусевич, Макар, Ковзанович, Цыбульские
    Anthony Semenov “Tony” Kuzmich
    Birth: 3 Sep 1882 Russia
    Death: 28 Jan 1938 (aged 55) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    CenotaphRead More: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section M, Lot 28A
    Memorial #: 50288599
    Bio: Anton "Tony" Kuzmich died in Claremont, NH on January 28, 1938. He was born in Russia on September 3, 1882; the son of Gakow and Thilasie (Kren) Kuzmich.
    He married Stephania Kamel on September 4, 1910 in Claremont.
    He was preceded in death by an infant daughter in 1916.
    Surviving are his wife and children Helen, Wanda, and Michael.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Source; NH death record, NH marriage record, census records
    Family Members
    Stefania Makarova "Stella" Kamel Kuzmich 1888-1939
    Stefania "Stella" Kuzmich died in Claremont, NH on August 14, 1939. She was born on August 28, 1888 in Russia; the daughter of Philip and Antiolion Kamel.
    She married Anton "Tony" Kuzmich on September 4, 1910 in Claremont who preceded her in death. She was also preceded in death by an infant daughter and son Nicholas.
    Surviving are children Helen, Wanda, and Michael.
    Helen Kuzmich Surething 1911-1974
    Nicholas Kuzmich 1914-1933
    Infant Daughter Kuzmich 1916-1916
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:05.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50288599/anthony-semenov-kuzmich

    John Daniel Laskevich
    Birth: 27 Dec 1887 Russia
    Death: 5 Sep 1958 (aged 70) Hanover, Grafton County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section L, Lot 37
    Memorial #: 50288775
    Bio: John Daniel Laskevich died in Hanover, NH on September 5, 1958. He was born on December 27, 1887 in Russia; the son of Daniel and Mary (Kebalka) Laskevich.
    He married Pauline Filistovich on May 23, 1915 in Claremont.
    He is survived by his wife and children Nina, Nellie, Tina, and Annie Laskevich.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Source; NH death record, NH marriage record, gravestone, census records
    Family Members
    Pauline Filistovich Laskevich 1892-1960
    Pauline Laskevich died in Claremont, NH on December 21, 1960. She was born on July 20, 1892 in Vilna, Russia; the daughter of Matthew and Agatha Filistovich. (Death record gives birth date as July 8, 1893.)
    She married John D Laskevich on May 23, 1915 in Claremont who preceded her in death.
    She is survived by children Nina, Nellie, Tina, and Annie Laskevich.
    Nina Laskevich Martinson 1917-2012
    Nellie Laskevich Sabetto 1918-2001
    Tina Laskevich Giles 1921-1981
    Anna Laskevich Rosen 1925-2009
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:09.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50288775/john-daniel-laskevich

    Stephen Laskevich
    Birth: 13 Mar 1883 Russia
    Death: 13 Sep 1970 (aged 87) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section L, Lot 50
    Memorial #: 50288856
    Bio: Stephen Laskevich died at the Claremont General Hospital in Claremont, NH on September 13, 1970 after a long illness. He was born on March 13, 1883 in Russia; the son of Leon and Farassa Laskevich.
    He had been a resident of Claremont for more than fifty years. He was a charter member of the Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Church and a charter member of the Russian Brotherhood. He was a retired employee of Joy Mfg Co.
    He married Sophia (Maik) Spasink on July 21, 1919 in Claremont.
    The family includes his wife of Claremont; two sons Stephen Laskevich Jr of Knoxville, TN and George Spasink of Claremont; one grandchild; and two sisters in Russia.
    Burial is in Mtn View cemetery.
    Source; Manchester Union Leader, Manchester, NH, September 15, 1970
    Family Members
    Sophia Maik Laskevich 1892-1972
    Sophie Laskevich died in Claremont, NH on March 9, 1972. She was born on October 6, 1892 in Russia; the daughter of Sparsik and Carassa Maik.
    She married Valerian "John" Spasink but they later divorced.
    She married Stephen Laskevich on July 21, 1918 in Claremont who preceded her in death.
    She is survived by son George Spasink and Stephen Laskevich Jr.
    Stephen Laskevich 1919-1983
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:11.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50288856/stephen-laskevich

    Alexander Lasky Sr.
    Birth: 15 Apr 1893 Russia
    Death: 26 Oct 1973 (aged 80) Unity, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section B, Lot 44&45
    Memorial #: 50288864
    Bio: Alexander Lasky Sr died at the Sullivan County Nursing Home in Unity, NH on October 26, 1973. He was born on April 15, 1893 in Minsk, Russia; the son of Symon and Annie Lasky.
    He had lived in Claremont for the past sixty five years. He was a member of the Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Brotherhood. He was employed at Joy Mfg Co for forty one years, retiring in 1959.
    He married Mary Kuzmich on November 4, 1913 in Claremont who preceded him in death. He was also preceded in death by daughter Elizabeth and son Alexander Jr.
    The family includes two sons Peter Lasky of Chesapeake, VA and George Lasky of Claremont; five daughters Irina Crowder of Sunapee, Jean Colquhoun of Southbridge, MA [died 1994 in MA], Mary Raymond of Claremont, Natalie Wilson of Newport, NH, and Valeria Simmons of Virginia Beach, VA; brother Joseph Lasky of Cavendish, VT; twenty two grandchildren; and several great grandchildren.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Source; New Hampshire Manchester Union Leader, Manchester, NH, October 27, 1973
    Family Members
    Mary Kuzmich Lasky 1893-1961
    Mary Lasky died in Claremont, NH on November 2, 1961. She was born on April 20, 1893 in Russia; the daughter of Jan and Mary (Cren) Kuzmich.
    She married Alexander Lasky on November 4, 1913 in Claremont. She was preceded her in death by daughter Elizabeth and son Alexander Jr.
    Surviving is her husband and sons Peter and George; and five daughters Irina, Jean, Mary, Natalie, and Valeria.
    Irina Reta Lasky Crowder 1914-1975
    Elizabeth Prue 1916-1940
    Alexander Lasky Jr. 1920-1947
    Peter Alexander Lasky Sr 1922-2003
    George A Lasky 1924-2016
    Mary Lasky Raymond 1927-2024
    Natalie "Nat" Lasky Wilson 1930-2021
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:11.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50288864/alexander-lasky
  17. Tatiana Shinkevich

    Tatiana Shinkevich Мегапользователь

    17 июн 2024
    Шинкевич, Бахар, Вяжевич, Савчик, Кузмич, Максимович, Матусевич, Макар, Ковзанович, Цыбульские
    George W Moroz
    Birth: 10 Mar 1892 Russia
    Death: 22 Jun 1952 (aged 60) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section C, Lot 22
    Memorial #: 50289323
    Bio: George W Moroz died on June 22, 1952 in Claremont, NH from injuries suffered after losing his balance and falling face forward down stairs. He was born on March 10, 1892 in Russia.
    He married Marie Yazinsky about 1915.
    He was preceded in death by daughter Anastasia.
    He is survived by his wife and son Alexander.
    Burial is in Mtn View cemetery.
    Source; NH death record, census records
    Family Members
    Mary Yazinsky Zarsky 1892-1970
    Mary Zarsky died in Claremont, NH on March 15, 1970. She was born on June 6, 1892 in Russia; the daughter of William Yazinsky.
    She married George Moroz about 1915 who preceded her in death. She was also preceded in death by daughter Anastasia.
    She married Andrei "Andrew" Zarsky on July 31, 1954 in Claremont.
    She is survived by her husband.
    Alexander Moroz 1916-1983
    Anastasia Moroz 1917-1917
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:24.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50289323/george-w-moroz

    John Matvieff Kazura
    Birth: 4 Jan 1888 Russia
    Death: 18 May 1947 (aged 59) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section L, Lot 38&39
    Memorial #: 50288609
    Bio: John Matvieff Kazura died in Claremont, NH on May 18, 1947. He was born in Russia on January 4, 1888; the son of Matvieff and May (Gatha) Kazura .
    He married Olga Joseph Romisch on September 30, 1917 in Claremont.
    He is survived by his wife and children Alexander, Helen, Valentina, and John.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Source; NH death record, NH marriage record, census records
    Family Members
    Olga Romisch Kazura 1894-1970
    Olga Kazura died at Claremont General Hospital in Claremont, NH on March 24, 1970 after a long illness. She was born on July 11, 1894 in Minsk, Russia; the daughter of Ocun and Anna (Pocuarin) Romisch.
    She had been a resident of Claremont for most of her life. She was a member of Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Church and belonged to the Sisterhood of the church.
    She married John Matvieff Kazuar on September 30, 1917 in Claremont who preceded her in death.
    The family includes two daughters Valentina Moroz of Claremont and Helen Cronmiller of Wilmington, DE; two sons Alexander Kazura and John Kazura both of Pittsfield, MA; nine grandchildren; and a sister living in Russia.
    Alexander John Kazura 1918-1976
    Helen Kazura Cronmiller 1920-2013
    Valentina Kazura Moroz 1923-2008
    John A Kazura 1926-2005
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:05.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50288609/john_matvieff_kazura

    Alexander Nemcovich
    Birth: 14 Sep 1885 Russia
    Death: 8 Jan 1968 (aged 82) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section AA, Lot 57
    Memorial #: 50289386
    Bio: Alexander Nemcovich died in Claremont, NH on January 8, 1968. He was born on September 14, 1885 in Anufravich, Russia; the son of Wassily and Feggora (Dilera) Nemcovich.
    He married Stefania Sanko on July 17, 1915 in Claremont.
    He was preceded in death by daughter Olga.
    He is survived by his wife and children Ann, Vera, Michael, and Nadja.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Source; NH death record, NH marriage record, census records
    Family Members
    Stefania "Stella" Sanko Nemcovich 1891-1987
    Alexander Nemcovich died in Claremont, NH on January 8, 1968. He was born on September 14, 1885 in Anufravich, Russia; the son of Wassily and Feggora (Dilera) Nemcovich.
    He married Stefania Sanko on July 17, 1915 in Claremont.
    He was preceded in death by daughter Olga.
    Olga W Nemcovich 1915-1949
    Michael Nemcovich 1918-2009
    Nadja Nemcovich Lemay 1921-2015
    Ann Nemcovich Paradise 1925-1979
    Vera N Nemcovich Lamb 1927-2012
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:26.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50289386/alexander-nemcovich

    Paul Osipowich
    Birth: 3 Mar 1881 Russia
    Death: 9 Nov 1952 (aged 71) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section B, Lot 40
    Memorial #: 50289506
    Bio: Paul Osipowich died in Claremont, NH on November 9, 1952. He was born in Minsk, Russia on March 3, 1881; the son of Arhip and Eva Osipowich.
    He married Isabelle Farina in Laban, Latvia, Russia about 1909.
    He is survived by his wife and children Anna, Peter, Stephen, and Gladys.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Source; NH death record, census records
    Family Members
    Isabelle Farina Osipowich 1885-1975
    Isabelle Osipowich died at the Sullivan County Nursing Hospital in Unity, NH on October 27, 1975. She was born on May 30, 1885 in Vilna Russia; the daughter of Mark and Anna (Jakonski) Farina.
    She had been a resident of Claremont since 1910. She was a member of the Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Church and a member of the Russian Sisterhood. For several years, she had been employed by the International Shoe Co.
    She married Paul Osipowich in Laban, Latvia, Russia about 1909 who preceded her in death. She was also preceded in death by their sons Stephen and Peter.
    Survivors include two daughters Gladys Osipowich of Claremont and Anna Adamovich of Claremont; four grandchildren; and two great grandchildren.
    PFC Peter Paul Osipowich 1906-1969
    Anna Osipowich Adamovich 1908-2006
    PFC Stephen Osipowich 1910-1954
    Gladys Osipowich 1911-1985
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:29.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50289506/paul-osipowich

    Piotr N “Peter” Ostrowski
    Birth: 25 Dec 1891 Russia
    Death: 25 Jul 1963 (aged 71) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section AA, Lot 140
    Memorial #: 50289512
    Bio: Piotr N "Peter" Ostrowski died in Claremont, NH on July 25, 1963. He was born on December 25, 1891 in Minsk, Russia; the son of Ostrowski.
    He married Luba Burisovets
    He was preceded in death by son John on on January 24, 1926 and daughters Anna on November 17, 1936 and Mary on March 13, 1921.
    He is survived by his wife and children Mary (a second daughter with that name), Lena, Sophie, Vera, Elizabeth, and Lillian.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Source; NH death record, census records
    Family Members
    Luba Burisovets Ostrowski 1892-1977
    Luba Ostrowski died in Claremont, NH in October of 1977. She was born on September 14, 1892 in Russia; the daughter of Mr & Mrs Burisovets.
    She married Piatr Ostrowski who preceded her in death along with son John on January 24, 1926 and daughters Anna on November 17, 1936 and Mary on March 13, 1921.
    She is survived by children Mary (a second daughter with that name), Lena, Sophie, Vera, Elizabeth, and Lillian.
    Anna P "Annie" Ostrowski 1918-1936
    Mary Ostrowski 1920-1921
    Mary O Ostrowski Seagren 1922-1993
    John Ostrowski 1925-1926
    Lena O Ostrowski Nunn 1925-2005
    Sophie Ostrowski Sakovich 1926-2001
    Vera Ostrowski Carroll 1928-1983
    Elizabeth O Ostrowski Laskey 1930-2017
    Lillian Ostrowski Hodge 1932-2010
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:29.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50289512/piotr_n_ostrowski
  18. Tatiana Shinkevich

    Tatiana Shinkevich Мегапользователь

    17 июн 2024
    Шинкевич, Бахар, Вяжевич, Савчик, Кузмич, Максимович, Матусевич, Макар, Ковзанович, Цыбульские
    Flor Pashnik
    Birth: 29 Aug 1887 Russia
    Death: 25 Jan 1959 (aged 71) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section C, Lot 51
    Memorial #: 50289586
    Bio: Flor Pashnik died at his home in Claremont, NH on January 25, 1959. He was born in Russia on August 29, 1887; the son of Joseph and Martha (Sushkewich) Pashnik.
    He married Paulina Borszak on October 7, 1928 in Claremont who preceded him in death. He was also preceded in death by their infant son John.
    He married Magdalena (Bielous) Adams on December 3, 1946 in Claremont.
    He is survived by his wife and daughter Nina.
    Burial is in Mtn View cemetery.
    Source; NH death record, NH marriage record, census records
    Family Members
    Paulina Borszak Pashnik 1906-1929
    Magdalena Pashnik died at the Concord Hospital in Concord, NH on December 7, 1977 after a long illness. She was born in Vilna, Poland on January 9, 1890; the daughter of Bernad and Elizabeth (Pozon) Bielous.
    She had resided in Claremont, NH for many years.
    She married Carl Adams who preceded her in death in 1946.
    She married Flor Pashnik on December 3, 1946 in Claremont who preceded her in death.
    Survivors include two sons Edward Adams of Lynn, MA and Kazia Adams of Watertown, MA; two daughters Amelia Buttrick of Cheshire, CT and Felicia Ripchik of Springfield, VT; three grandchildren, and one great grandchild.
    Magdalena Bielous Pashnik 1890-1977
    Magdalena Pashnik died at the Concord Hospital in Concord, NH on December 7, 1977 after a long illness. She was born in Vilna, Poland on January 9, 1890; the daughter of Bernad and Elizabeth (Pozon) Bielous.
    She had resided in Claremont, NH for many years.
    She married Carl Adams who preceded her in death in 1946.
    She married Flor Pashnik on December 3, 1946 in Claremont who preceded her in death.
    Survivors include two sons Edward Adams of Lynn, MA and Kazia Adams of Watertown, MA; two daughters Amelia Buttrick of Cheshire, CT and Felicia Ripchik of Springfield, VT; three grandchildren, and one great grandchild.
    Nina Pashnik Williams 1913-1999
    John Pashnik 1929-1929
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:31.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50289586/flor-pashnik

    Michael “Mike” Pashnik
    Birth: 29 Aug 1890 Russia
    Death: 19 Jan 1967 (aged 76) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section B, Lot 16
    Memorial #: 50289588
    Bio: Michael Pashnik collapsed and died on the sidewalk in front of his home in Claremont, NH on January 19, 1967. He was born in Russia on August 29, 1890.
    He had finished breakfast and had gone out of the house to throw garbage into a Bernard Trucking Co truck parked in front of his house. He threw the rubbish into the truck and started back to this house when he collapsed. Dr Stanley Kuk was summoned to the scene as were Claremont police. County Attorney Charles V Spanos said, that although the medical referee had not yet made his report, Dr Kuk had told him that it was almost certainly a coronary attack.
    He had resided here for the past fifty-six years.
    He was preceded in death by an infant son.
    He is survived by his wife Annie (Tomkevich) Pashnik; one brother Peter of Pawtucket, RI; one sister Sadie Hmeeza of Claremont; and several nieces and nephews.
    Burial is in Mtn View cemetery.
    Source; Daily Eagle, Claremont, NH, January 19, 1967
    Family Members
    Ouilana "Anna" Tomkovich Pashnik 1895-1969
    Olianna (Ouilana) “Anna” Pashnik died on January 25, 1969 at Claremont General Hospital in Claremont, NH after a brief illness. She was born in Kosliey, Russia in 1895; the daughter of Peter and Sophie Tomkovich.
    She had been a resident of Claremont for the past fifty-five years.
    She was the widow of Michael Pashnik who died in 1967.
    She is survived by several nieces and nephews and by three sisters in Russia.
    Infant Son Pashnik 1914-1914
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:31.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50289588/michael-pashnik

    Gregory Pesarik
    Birth: 18 Oct 1883 Russia
    Death: 18 Oct 1957 (aged 74) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section AA, Lot 58
    Memorial #: 50289671
    Bio: Gregory Pesarik died in Claremont, NH on October 18, 1957. He was born in Russia on October 18, 1883; the son of Nicholas and Fatianna (Vitci) Pesarik. (Death record gives year of birth as 1884.)
    He married Anna Hallas on February 8, 1914 in Springfield, VT.
    He was preceded in death by her son Walter who died in WWII.
    He is survived by his wife and children Nicholas, Rose, Olga, Dunya, and Ruth.
    Burial is in Mtn View cemetery.
    Source; NH death record, VT marriage record, census records,
    Family Members
    Anna Hallas Pesarik 1896-1986
    Anna Pesarik died at Valley Regional Hospital in Claremont, NH on February 19, 1986. She was born on February 1, 1896 in Hursk, Minsk, Russia; the daughter of Wasil and Fatan (Hramzevick) Hallas.
    She had been a resident of Claremont since 1914. She was a founding member of the Family of God Church on Summer Street.
    She married Gregory Pesarik on February 8, 1914 in Springfield, VT who preceded her in death. She was also preceded in death by daughter Olga and her sons Walter who died in WWII and Nicholas.
    Surviving are three daughters Rose Maley of Laconia, NH, Dunya Kuchtey of Portsmouth, NH, Ruth Thompson of Claremont; twelve grandchildren; eight great grandchildren, and two great great grandchildren.
    Olga Pesarik Novak 1916-1979
    Dunya Dorothy Pesarik Kuchtey 1918-2002
    Nicholas Pesarik 1920-1973
    Rose P Pesarik Maley 1922-2020
    Pfc. Walter Valorga Pesarik 1925-1945
    Ruth Pesarik Thompson 1930-2021
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:32.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50289671/gregory-pesarik

    George Gregorovich “Gregory” Poplewko
    Birth: 25 Sep 1890 Russia
    Death: 13 Nov 1977 (aged 87) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section B, Lot 25
    Memorial #: 50289753
    Bio: George Poplewko died at Claremont General Hospital in Claremont, NH on November 13, 1977. He was born on September 12, 1890 in Sakovich, Russia.
    He had lived in Claremont since 1915. He was employed at Joy Mfg Co and a life member of Loyal Order of Moose.
    He married Katherine Zrowo in Russia who preceded him in death by only a couple of months. Surviving is son Walter Poplewko of Longmont, CO; daughter Vera G Berdecki of Claremont; five grandchildren; two great grandchildren; and two sisters in Russia.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Source; Valley News, Lebanon, NH, November 14, 1977
    Family Members
    Katherine Efimovna Zrowo Poplewko 1893-1977
    Katherine (Eketerna) Poplewko died at Claremont General Hospital in Claremont, NH in August of 1977. She was born on May 3, 1893 in Vilna, Russia; the daughter of Mr and Mrs Zrowo.
    She had been a resident of Claremont for forty nine years.
    She married George Poplewko in Russia.
    She emigrated to the U S in 1928.
    Surviving are her husband of Claremont; son Walter Poplewko of Longmont, CO; daughter Vera G Berdecki of Claremont; five grandchildren; two great grandchildren.
    Vera G Poplewko Berdecki 1912-1979
    Walter Poplewko 1931-2018
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:34.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50289753/george-gregorovich-poplewko
  19. Tatiana Shinkevich

    Tatiana Shinkevich Мегапользователь

    17 июн 2024
    Шинкевич, Бахар, Вяжевич, Савчик, Кузмич, Максимович, Матусевич, Макар, Ковзанович, Цыбульские
    William Ptasnik
    Birth: 12 Oct 1890 Russia
    Death: 30 Dec 1934 (aged 44) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section C, Lot 46
    Memorial #: 50289810
    Bio: William Ptasnik, (aka William Ptasnikof) died in Claremont, NH on December 30, 1934. He was born on October 12, 1890 in Russia; the son of Philip and Mary (Shuheirch) Ptasnik.
    He married Annie Baleyka on July 14, 1913 in Kewanee, IL.
    He is survived by his wife and children Peter, Alexander, Paul, and Wasil.
    Burial is in Mtn View cemetery.
    Source; NH death record, IL marriage record, census records
    Family Members
    Annie Baleyka Ptasnik 1880-1961
    Annie Ptasnik died in Claremont, NH on November 15, 1961. She was born in Russia on July 1, 1880; the daughter of Justin Baleyka. (Her death record is under the name Annie Ptanikoff.)
    She married William Ptasnik on July 14, 1913 in Kewanee, IL.
    She is survived by children Peter, Alexander, Paul, and Wasil.
    Waseil Ptasnik 1914-1988
    Paul Ptasnik 1915-2000
    Alexander B. Pearson 1916-1989
    Peter Ptasnik 1921-2019
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:35.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50289810/william-ptasnik

    John Rokicki
    Birth: 18 Jun 1890 Poland
    Death: 13 Jun 1983 (aged 92) Naples, Collier County, Florida, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section B, Lot 65
    Memorial #: 50289946
    Bio: John Rokicki died at his home in Naples, FL on June 13, 1983. He was born on June 18, 1890 in Poland; the son of Joseph and Martha (Kwiathousky) Rokitzlsy. (Name changed to Rokicki)
    He had been a resident of Naples for the past seven years coming from Valley Stream, NY.
    He married Anna Zuk on August 18, 1910 in Claremont, NH who preceded him in death.
    Survivors include son Marjan Rokicki of Naples, FL; four grandchildren; and two great grandchildren.
    Burial is in Mtn View cemetery.
    Source; Naples Daily News, Naples, FL, June 14, 1983
    Family Members
    Anna Zuk Rokicki 1891-1974
    Anna Rokicki died in Claremont, NH on July 23, 1974. She was born on December 25, 1891 in Poland; the daughter of Joseph and Melvina (Szumsky) Zukowski. (Names was changed to Zuk.)
    She married John Rokicki on August 18, 1910 in Claremont.
    She is survived by her husband and son Marjan.
    Marjan Rokicki 1911-1997
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:38.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50289946/john-rokicki

    John Peter Rutkowski
    Birth: 12 Jul 1891 Russia
    Death: 23 Sep 1958 (aged 67) Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section M, Lot 24
    Memorial #: 50290074
    Bio: John Peter Rutkowski died on September 23, 1958 in his home in Clearwater, FL. He was born on July 12, 1891 in Krasik, Minsk, Russia; the son of Peter and Julia (Jiran) Rutkowski.
    He had lived in Florida for the past year, having lived in Claremont, NH for more than forty years prior to moving.
    He was a retired employee of Joy Mfg Co.
    He married Mary Zablocki on September 1, 1918 in Claremont who preceded him in death.
    He married Hazel Bell (Williams) Sargent Morse on November 7, 1942 in Goffstown, NH.
    He is survived by his wife, two daughters Mrs Annie Tuttle of Clearwater and Mrs Emily Bartlett of Plymouth; and four grandchildren.
    Burial is in Mtn View cemetery.
    Source; Union Leader, Manchester, NH, September 25, 1958, NH marriage records
    Family Members
    Mary Zablocki Rutkowski 1901-1936
    Mary Rutkowski died in Concord, NH on July 31, 1936. She was born on February 2, 1901 in Poland; the daughter of Michael and Catherine (Borach) Zablocki.
    She married John Peter Rutkowski on September 1, 1918 in Claremont.
    She is survived by her husband and daughters Annie and Emily.
    Hazel Bell Williams Rutkowski 1899-1996
    Hazel Bell Rutkowski died in Claremont, NH on March 18, 1996. She was born in Claremont on July 25, 1899; the daughter of Edward C and Minnie M (Hutchinson) Williams.
    She married Leonard Sargent on August 29, 1917 in Derry, NH but they later divorced.
    She married Clinton Morse on March 10, 1921 in Claremont but they later divorced on December 10, 1938.
    She married John P Rutkowski on November 7, 1942 in Goffstown, NH who preceded her in death.
    Emily Rutkowski Bartlett 1919-2004
    Anne Rutkowski Arra 1920-1994
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:41.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50290074/john-peter-rutkowski

    Gregory James Sabalewski
    Birth: 1 Aug 1884 Poland
    Death: 4 Jan 1959 (aged 74) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Saint Marys Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section J, Lot 27
    Memorial #: 50111067
    Bio: Gregory James Sabalewski died in Claremont, NH on January 4, 1959 He was born in Poland on August 1, 1891; the son of Francewicz and Masccanna (Olewnowiez) Sabalewski. (Death record has birth year as 1891.)
    He married Zuzanna Bielous on February 14, 1916 in Claremont.
    He leaves his wife; children Mary Wolcott, Ann Centariczki, Frank Sabalewski, Carol Eddy, and Mildred Jacobs; several grandchildren and great grandchildren.
    Burial is in St Mary's Cemetery.
    Source; NH death record, NH marriage record, census records
    Family Members
    Zuzanna Bielous Sabalewski 1895-1971
    Zuzanna Sabalewski died at Claremont General Hospital in Claremont, NH on June 4, 1971. She was born in Poland on June 4, 1895; the daughter of Alexander and Barbara (Powzun) Bielous. (Birth date is not confirmed, only that obit states she was 76y at time of death.)
    She had lived in Claremont for sixty years. She was a communicant of St Joseph Parish.
    She married Gregory James Sabalewski in Claremont on February 14, 1916 who preceded her in death.Surviving are her children Mary Wolcott of Claremont, Ann Centariczki of Springfield, VT, Frank Sabalewski of Claremont, Carol Eddy of Manchester, CT, and Mildred Jacobs of Windsor, VT; fifteen grandchildren; and six great grandchildren.
    Ann Sabalewski Centariczki 1916-2005
    Mary Sabalewski Wolcott 1918-1995
    Mildred "Terrie" Sabalewski Jacobs 1921-2015
    Frank A Sabalewski 1923-2013
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-23T11:07:53.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50111067/gregory_james_sabalewski

    John Sakovich Sr.
    Birth: 12 Jul 1882 Russia
    Death: 16 Mar 1973 (aged 90) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section M, Lot 39
    Memorial #: 50290092
    Bio: John Sakovich Sr died in Claremont, NH on March 16, 1973. He was found deceased in his home on March 25, 1973. He was born on July 12, 1882 in Vilna, Russia.
    He had lived in Claremont since 1915. He retired in December of 1953 from the Claremont Paper Co. He had been employed there in the beater room for twenty years.
    He married Stephania Chrins about 1898 in Russia.
    He was preceded in death by sons John, Peter and Paul.
    Surviving are two son Matthew Sakovich of Claremont and Timothy Sakovivch of Farmingdale, NY; four daughters Mary Lewentowicz of Clark, NJ, Esther Sakovich of Concord, NH, Ruth Sakovich of Whittier, CA, and Rachel Osborne of Pittsfield, NH; fourteen grandchildren; and seven great grandchildren.
    Burial is in Mtn View cemetery.
    Source; Manchester Union Leader, Manchester, NH, March 27, 1973
    Family Members
    Stefania Sherheychic Sakovich 1890-1945
    Stefania Sakovich died in Claremont, NH on March 3, 1945. She was born on December 28, 1890 in Russia; the daughter of Mr and Mrs Sherheychic.
    She married John Sakovich about 1898 in Russia.
    He was preceded in death by sons John and Peter.
    Surviving are her husband; three sons Paul, Matthew and Timothy Sakovivch and four daughters Mary, Esther, Ruth, and Rachel Sakovich.
    Mary Sakovich Lewentowicz 1915-1994
    Peter Sakovich 1919-1939
    Paul Sakovich 1920-1972
    Matthew J Sakovich 1923-1994
    Esther Sakovich 1928-2001
    John Sakovich Jr 1934-1935
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:42.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50290092/john-sakovich
  20. Tatiana Shinkevich

    Tatiana Shinkevich Мегапользователь

    17 июн 2024
    Шинкевич, Бахар, Вяжевич, Савчик, Кузмич, Максимович, Матусевич, Макар, Ковзанович, Цыбульские
    Ignas Sawchik
    Birth: 29 May 1894 Russia
    Death: 31 Jul 1961 (aged 67) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section B, Lot 79/69
    Memorial #: 50290148
    Bio: Ignas Sawchik died at Claremont General Hospital in Claremont, NH on July 31, 1961 after a long illness. He was born on May 29, 1894 in Granjewiczi, Russia.
    He immigrated from Russia on January 5, 1912. Spelling of his name was Ignatz Sawczyk. He had resided in Claremont for the past fifty years. He operated a meat market on Main Street. was a member of the Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Church and it Brotherhood Organization.
    He married Anna Cemel about 1914.
    Survivors include his wife; son John Sawchik of Holly Hill, FL; four daughters Olga Sawchik, Sadie Patrick, Lena Jutras and Clara Haurilick all of Claremont and five grandchildren.
    Burial is in Mtn View cemetery.
    Source; New Hampshire Manchester Union Leader, Manchester, NH, August 2, 1961
    Family Members
    Anna Cemel Sawchik 1896-1972
    Anna Sawchik died at Claremont General Hospital in Claremont, NH on October 25, 1972 after a brief illness. She was born on May 18, 1896 in Russia; the daughter of Mr & Mrs Cemel.
    She had resided in Claremont since 1918. She and her husband had operated a grocery store on Main Street for many years. She was a member of the Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Church and the Sisterhood of the church.
    She married Ignas Sawchik about 1914 who preceded her in death.
    Survivors include son John Sawchik of Claremont; four daughters Olga Sawchik, Sadie Patrick, Lena Kissel and Clara Taft all of Claremont and six grandchildren.
    Lena Sawchik Kissel 1918-1992
    Olga Sawchik 1920-1990
    Clara Vera Sawchik Taft 1922-2000
    Sadie Sophie Sawchik Patrick 1925-2007
    PFC John Sawchik 1928-1986
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:43.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50290148/ignas-sawchik

    Adam Evanovich Sharkevich
    Birth: 4 Dec 1885 Russia
    Death: 13 Feb 1967 (aged 81) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section C, Lot 24
    Memorial #: 50290209
    Bio: Adam Sharkevich died at Claremont General Hospital in Claremont, NH on February 13, 1967. He was born on December 4, 1885 in Minsk, Russia; the son of John and Olga Sharkevich.
    He has lived in Claremont since 1913 and was naturalized on November 10, 1914 in Newport, NH. He was a member of the Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Brotherhood. He was a retired employee of the Claremont Paper Co.
    He married Julia Shelun about 1907.
    He is survived by his wife and nephews.
    Burial is in Mtn View cemetery.
    Source; Manchester Union Leader, Manchester, NH, February 14, 1967
    Family Members
    Julia N Shelun Sharkevich 1891-1984
    Julia N Sharkevich died in Springfield, VT on April 17, 1984. She was born on February 3, 1891 in Russia; the daughter of Mr and Mrs Shelun.
    She came to the U S in 1914.
    She married Adam Sharkevich about 1907 who preceded her in death.
    Surviving are nephews.
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:44.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50290209/adam-evanovich-sharkevich

    Alex Shinkevich
    Birth: 20 Oct 1894 Russia
    Death: 11 Jan 1976 (aged 81) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section B, Lot 86
    Memorial #: 50290219
    Bio: Alex Shinkevich died at Claremont General Hospital in Claremont, NH on January 11, 1976. He was born on October 20, 1894 in Vilna, Russia; the son of Navumchick and Sophie (Savchick) Shinkevich.
    He had been a resident of Claremont since 1913. He was a member of the Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Church and a member of the Russian Brotherhood. He was a retired employee of Joy Mfg Co where he was a moulder.
    He married Katty Kuzmich on February 4, 1917 in Claremont. (NOTE: Marriage record is under the name Alick Csikhevich.)
    The family includes his wife of Claremont; two sons John Shinkevich of Claremont and Alex Shinkevich of West Suffield, CT; two daughters Ann Ankuda of Hartford, CT and Mary Marchetti of Meriden, CT; nine grandchildren; brother Paul Shinkevich of Russia; and two sisters Catherine and Ludmilla of Russia.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Source; Valley News, Lebanon, NH, January 13, 1976
    Family Members
    Katty Kuzmich Shinkevich 1893-1976
    Katty Shinkevich died in Claremont, NH on February 29, 1976. She was born on December 15, 1893 in Russia; the daughter of Karston and Mera (Makarevich) Kuzmich. (NOTE: Marriage record is under the name Eldakeai Kuzmich.)
    She married Alex Shinkevich on February 4, 1917 in Claremont who preceded her in death.
    Surviving are two sons John Shinkevich of Claremont and Alex Shinkevich of West Suffield, CT; two daughters Ann Ankuda of Hartford, CT and Mary Marchetti of Meriden, CT; and nine grandchildren.
    Mary S Shinkevich Marchetti 1919-2013
    Ann Shinkevich Ankuda 1921-2001
    John Shinkevich 1922-2001
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:44.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50290219/alex-shinkevich

    George Shostak Sr.
    Birth: 11 Apr 1896 Russia
    Death: 13 Jul 1939 (aged 43) Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA
    Plot: Section C, Lot 42
    Memorial #: 50290230
    Bio: George “Nick” Shostak died in Claremont, NH on July 13, 1939. He was born on April 11, 1896 in Russia; the son of Noum and Casemia (Baker) Shostak.
    He married Mary Lewko on September 16, 1917 in Claremont.
    He was preceded in death by sons George Jr and Walter and daughter Mattie.
    He is survived by his wife and children children Olga and John Shostak.
    Burial is in Mtn View Cemetery.
    Family Members
    Mary Koms Lewko 1895-1970
    Mary Lewko died in Claremont, NH in February of 1970. She was born on June 23, 1895 in Starinka, Russia; the daughter of George and Caroline (Laskewich) Koms.
    She married George Shostak on September 16, 1917 in Claremont who preceded her in death. She was also preceded in death by sons George Jr and Walter and daughter Mattie Shostak.
    She married Florian Lewko on November 22, 1942 in Claremont
    She is survived by children Olga and John Shostak.
    Olga "Wanda" Shostak Buswell 1918-1977
    George Shostak Jr 1920-1920
    SSGT John George Shostak 1921-1986
    Mattie Shostak 1923-1924
    Walter Shostak 1927-1927
    Maintained by: Janice Prichard (46984070)
    Originally Created by: Robert Kessell (46868258)
    Added: 2010-03-27T09:19:45.000Z
    URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50290230/george_shostak